According to the Department of Health in Florida, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is misleading Florida's coronavirus cases from the weekend.The CDC announced Monday that Florida had reported 28317 new cases on Sunday, August 8. This would have been a record for the Sunshine State. It also reported 28,316 cases the day before and 23,903 on Friday.Officials from the state dispute these numbers. Official Twitter accounts of the DOH and the CDC stated Monday night that the DOH had reported significantly lower numbers than the CDC. They claimed that there were 21,500 cases on Friday, 19,567 Saturday, and 15,319 Sunday.The CDC COVID Tracker currently shows Florida's daily case count. These numbers are not correct. Current listing shows 28,317. These are the exact dаta: Friday, August 6, 21500Saturday, August 7, 2009: 19,567Sunday, August 8, 2015: 15,319 Average for 3 Days: 18,795 Florida Dept. Health (@HealthyFla August 10, 2021The department responded to a report by the CDC about the Sunday total. Florida, except for holidays, follows CDC guidelines when reporting cases from Monday to Friday. Therefore, data will be reported on Mondays and Tuesdays for two to three days each. Data published is attributable equally to previous days.National Review was informed by Dr. Shamarial Robertson, Florida's deputy secretary of health, that the CDC had acknowledged its mistake and has committed to rectifying it.Roberson stated that although accurate data was provided by the CDC, the incorrect Sunday number was displayed on the website. Roberson also stated that Florida officials made it clear to the CDC of their error as soon as Monday night.Continue the storyAt 3 p.m. The incorrect numbers were still up on the CDC's website as of Tuesday afternoon. Roberson was informed by the CDC that they will make corrective actions on Tuesday.Roberson stated that this error was made entirely by federal agencies, and that they maintained that the data file (containing daily case counts) was sent as normal.Roberson didn't know why the incorrect data had been published. The incorrect data is still up on the CDC website. Roberson explained that they don't offer any guidance, but acknowledged that it was wrong.She mused, "Wait and see if they can explain how they made that data mistake."Although Florida's caseload numbers are similar to those from previous spikes, Florida's death rate is still significantly lower than it was at those times. This is due to the effectiveness of the coronavirus vaccines in decoupling deaths from cases.Governor Ron DeSantis, along with the DOH, have been encouraging residents inoculated against coronavirus. DeSantis was criticized for opposing vaccine mandates and his efforts to ban private businesses from having to show proof of vaccination when they visit them.Roberson stressed the need to prevent pandemics by vaccinating, stating that vaccines are safe and effective.National Review: More