With love from RussiaRussia with LoveSpaceX and Boeing both developed spacecrafts that can lift astronauts into orbit as part NASA's Commercial Crew program.SpaceX has launched many astronaut crews to orbit the International Space Station, but so far it is not as competitive as Boeing.Boeing's Starliner has been through setback after setback. The capsule was finally lifted off the ground after 13 valves of its propulsion system failed during a preflight check.Roscosmos, Russia's space agency, seems to mock Boeings efforts and offer to fix the Starliner.AdvertisementAdvertisementRussian state news agency TASS reported that the MV Keldysh, Roscosmos' research center, is available to help Boeing solve the Starliner issues. However, it did not elaborate on how it would do so.Catastrophic FailureBoeing has had to postpone the Starliner's second launch several times since its fateful maiden voyage in Dec 2019, which nearly ended in a fatal accident, according to a NASA safety review panel.Since then, Boeing has struggled to correct Starliners many wrongs at NASA's request.Starliner has not yet reached the International Space Station with or without crew.AdvertisementAdvertisementIt is not likely that Russia will offer assistance to the struggling aeronautics corporation. Ironically, Russia's offer of assistance comes just a week after the Nauka module of ISS accidentally fired its thrusters and flipped the entire station upside down in a serious safety accident.One Twitter user commented that Starliners' propulsion valves could not be opened by Boeing and Roscosmos, while Naukas propellant valves could not be closed by Roscosmos. Perhaps there's some synergy.Starliner: Boeing's Starliner Prototype is a bit of a mess