What was the last time that you did a database restore on your PS4 console? It's likely that you don't know the correct terminology or remember when it was done. The process is safe and simple, although it may take longer if it's not something you've done before (or ever), it's worth it to improve your console maintenance now. These steps will help you to remove corrupt data and organize your files. This will improve your system's performance, and allow you to continue playing the best PS4 games as much as possible.How to rebuild your PS4 databaseTurn off your PS4 and don't use the rest mode. Press the power button until you hear two short beeps. This will signal you that Safe Mode has been entered. Source: Android Central Connect your DualShock 4 controller with the USB-A slot on the PS4. Scroll down until you see the option 5, Rebuild Database. Source: Android Central Click the X button in order to begin the rebuild.Depending on how full your console is, and how frequently you install or delete games, a rebuild of the PS4 database may take several minutes to complete. The process of rebuilding your PS4 database reorganizes the hard drive, making it easier for the system access your files. A well-organized database will load data quicker, which can reduce the chance of your game freezing or experiencing drops in frame rate.Rebuilding a database is an easy task. It should be done once every quarter. It is best to do this task as often as possible.Is it safe to rebuild the PS4's database again?Although database rebuilding sounds like cleaning, and cleaning sounds like getting rid off things, the process should not actually delete any data unless a corrupt file is involved. You won't be able use corrupted files even though they will be deleted. This is recommended, even if corrupted files are not present. Your PS4's performance will decline as it gets older.The PS5 console is Sony's latest console. However, stock is still hard to come by. If you plan on keeping your PS4 for the moment, make sure you take good care of it. As production shifts to the PS5, new PS4s will be harder to find. You'll still get new games from Sony in the coming year, with titles such as Horizon Forbidden West coming to PS4 and PS5.If you are concerned, you can back up your system to an USB storage device or external hard drive before performing a database rebuild. Your PS4's auto-upload feature will protect you. This keeps up to 100GB gaming data online.