What is FanExpo's value compared to WWWith a friend, I used to go to Trek cons by Creation. They stopped visiting StL in the millennium. This was when fans cooled off to DS9 or V oyager. It was common for local groups to meet, but it wasn't necessary to place an ad in the newspaper sigh. Yes, I did run into a Klingon contingent in a mall one day. Others looked on and laughed, so I walked up. Did I miss a con or something? It was just a local crew getting together.There were occasional *comic* cons, but I wasn't able to attend them because I was working or not willing to drive an hour+. ConTamination was a con that I attended a few times. It was run by a friend. Once I minded a tabl for someone I used the to hang out with before they betrayed everybody and fled to Mexico. Con was signed to appear but he didn't show up. After I left Ha cksaw Jim Duggan, the ginger friend who was working there walked up behind me and whispered hello to my ear. Jim gave us some strange looks for this. LOL That's also where I saw Seka, Ron Never, Pat Munster, Vernon Wells and Berryman at his Table Jeremy. Jeffrey Combs whispered in my ear and I got a picture with JWShipp & Ja ckson Bostwick. Chewbacca almost ran my foot over. (DAVE!)Archon arrived and...I couldn't keep it on my radar. Friends went regularly and enjoyed it. I tried to follow their FB page but there were some schisms that m at times fractured the management. They or FB closed the page I was following. The new(?) page was only discovered recently. I just found the new(?) page right before they started cancelling everything around here AGAIN due to covid-delta. @_@In February 2019, I finally made it to WW-StL. OMFG was so expensive! Their helpers and friends jumped at anyone with a cell phone, especially celebrities. To check the time/text, a friend was also present and pulled out her phone. She gave as much as she could at their attitude.All the cons were relaxed and everyone was just mingling around, apart from the GOH presentations. WW-StL was not like this. It was necessary to purchase tickets for ALL events, then wait in line and be harassed by the vendors to BUY NOW! NO!My experience: Stan Lee was hospitalized and cancelled the last-minute. It was my last/ONLY opportunity to see Stan Lee and Nichelle. Before I arrived, her assistant nearly ran over my foot. Barrowman got me cold-shouldered. TWICE. I was standing right behind one man, he talked up about a medical thing, his bil was a world-renowned doctor about X. Then he ignored my strollate r/walker & commode. Later, he nearly ran into me as he was walking backwards. I fought to stop him from hitting my face. I was given a dirty look by him, Kasey observed the whole thing. Sean Astin should've gotten the Stan table spot, but Sean Bean took it. Astins line was cut at least three times, and I made it in time to pose for photos before everyone had to rush. Bean had a very small line, even though there was a lot of space to congregate. Lucy (aka Punch)? Etta Candy (aka Shaun of Dead; Lucy) was allegedly there. I never saw her one time. James Frain and his friend were nice to have a chat. Napoleon Dynamite was bored and lonely. Ginny Weasley was surrounded by a small group every time I passed her table. There weren't many cosplayers as the Big Show was just a day before me, but there were cosplay tips and a show for younger children. Kato Kaelin was also there. @_@It was also the last time that I actually spoke to my whisper friend, who died from ear lier cancer this year. Although he had been through other health issues, he didn't want to be too distracted by catching up on his own while he was running his business. He was tired of making empty platitudes about how he would catch up. Miss you , GingerBear. #FuckCancer