Update: This news was first reported last Friday. Reuters reports that the European Union will not change the United States' position on the safe travel lists this week. If the situation gets worse, the list will be reviewed within two weeks. Below is the original, unedit post.The European Union lifted its ban on travel to the United States in June, and it seems that this could be reversed soon.The US could be taken off the EU safe travel listThe European Union, or more precisely the Schengen area, closed its borders to all peoples from the majority of the world in March 2020. Based on the epidemiological conditions in each country, restrictions were lifted. This meant that Americans were expelled for over a year.That was finally changed in June 2021. The European Union added the United States to its safe travel list in June 2021.Unfortunately, the number of cases has risen in the United States over the last week to 270 per 100,000 people in the past 14 days.Officials from the European Union have stated that the safe travel list may change depending on the current situation in each country. Bloomberg reports that officials from the European Union are currently discussing reintroducing travel restrictions for visitors to the United States.This would have been totally justified if the United States had unlimited access to the European Union because of the small number of cases in the country.The EU could remove the US from its safe travel listHowever, this does not necessarily mean that Americans will be expelled.Although it is likely that the United States will be removed on the European Union's safe travel list for the future, this does not necessarily mean that Americans would be expelled from all European Union countries.The European Union cannot make any recommendations regarding entry restrictions. Individual countries have the right to maintain their policies. For example, Greece opened its doors to Americans before it was recommended by the European Union.Even if the United States is removed from the safe travel list by the European Union, many European Union countries allow travelers who are not vaccinated from unsafe countries to enter the Schengen area.Americans may still be able to visit certain parts of EuropeDo you see any element of reciprocity?The European Union's travel restrictions are based largely on the number and severity of cases within a country. However, the policy has always been reciprocal. Last year, for example, the European Union added China on its safe travel list. However, this was only subject to reciprocity (which didn't happen).It is possible that reciprocity could play a role in this. While the European Union lifted travel restrictions for Americans, the United States still has travel restrictions that apply to the European Union. Biden's administration stated that it will not lift travel restrictions for now. It is rumored, however, that visitors could need to be vaccinated once the restrictions are lifted. I am all for allowing only vaccinated visitors into the country, but it should be done quickly.It is possible that the European Union might be becoming impatient and this could also contribute to the eventual outcome. It would be well-deserved. I'm not certain what part of the US policy follows the science.Living with coronavirus is possible only if you are vaccinated. However, there are no travel restrictions on vaccination status.The United States travel bans don't reflect the current state of coronavirus. For example, Germans are not allowed to visit the United States while those from other countries have higher cases are not.The vast majority of coronavirus cases in America are from the delta variant. We're not advocating a zero tolerance approach to coronavirus.Let's let the unvaccinated Americans have fun in Florida, with no restrictions. Vaccinated people from the European Union cannot even enter the United States.It is not logical for the United States to impose travel restrictions at this time.Bottom lineThe European Union placed the United States on its safe travel lists in June, which allows for unrestricted travel within the European Union. The low number of coronavirus cases in the United States prompted this decision. The number of cases is increasing rapidly and the European Union leadership are discussing the possibility that the United States could be removed from the safe travel list.Even if it were to happen, each country would decide their own policies. Additionally, exceptions could still exist for vaccinated travellers. So, even if you are vaccinated, I would expect that you can still travel to most European Union countries, even if the policy is changed.What do you think of the European Union potentially removing the United States off the safe travel list