"It would have cast an enormous shadow over some quivering little dino that wouldn't hear it until it was too late."Apex PredatorA new species of pterosaur was discovered by scientists in Australia. Its jaw is so large and terrifying that it bears a striking resemblance with mythological dragons.This new species was named Thapunngaka Shawi in tribute to Len Shaw, a pioneer of Australian indigenous Wanamara First Nation people. It is an extremely rare find. Research published Monday in The Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology shows that although the bones of pterosaurs are less brittle than other ancient reptiles', their existence provides a vivid picture of the amazing diversity of Australia's dinosaur age.CNET reports that there is still much to learn about pterosaurs. This is especially true because very few fossils have been discovered. This new fossil provides a clue to how this admittedly frightening creature lived and thrived millions of years ago.Full CircleA fossil with a large jawbone suggests that Thapunngaka Shawi was a fierce hunter. It was 3.2 feet long and likely contained 40 sharp, large teeth. CNET reports that the creature had a wingspan 22 feet wide and a neck larger than a giraffe. It used its enormous head to balance itself.AdvertisementAdvertisementTim Richards, a University of Queensland School of Biological Sciences PhD student, said that this thing would have been very savage. It would have been a shadow on a tiny, quivering dinosaur who wouldn't have heard it until too late.Some researchers believe that the myth of the dragon was created when ancient people discovered dinosaur bones.Self-PreservationIt is more difficult to find pterosaur bones than their dinosaur relatives because they are lighter and less brittle. There have been only 20 pterosaurs found in Australia so every new specimen is extremely valuable to scientists who are trying to reconstruct the region's ancient history.Shaw stated that the Australian pterosaur record was poor by world standards. However, the discovery of Thapunngaka greatly enhances our understanding of Australian species.AdvertisementAdvertisementREAD MORE: Australia's terrorizing skies revealed by a terrifying dragon skull [CNET]More fossils: A Paleontologist is Furious! Someone listed a T-Rex on ebay.