The sixth assessment of climate change, the latest part of which comprises three parts, was released by the scientific body in the midst of world leaders trying to figure out how they can reduce carbon dioxide and methane emission from their countries. Meanwhile, the Senate is moving forward with an infrastructure plan that includes $550 billion of new spending, but only small steps towards addressing climate change.Since the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement was adopted, the ambitions of nations to reduce fossil fuels has grown in recent years. This is especially true in the European Union and the United States. However, governments are now faced with the challenge of reducing their climate-altering pollutants even though they will be facing the same weather-related disasters as once thought possible in the far future.According to the U.S. climate ambassador John Kerry, the IPCC report highlights the urgency of the moment. The UN climate summit in Glasgow in September must be a turning point. It is imperative that the world unite to reduce global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The IPCC explains that the effects of climate change, including extreme heat, wildfires, intense rainfall, and flooding, will only get worse unless we take a different path for ourselves and the generations to follow.Rep. Joe Neguse (D-Colo.), stated in a statement that his state is suffering from a variety of severe climate change impacts. These include record-setting megafires that are the largest in Colorado's history, flash flooding unprecedented in California, severe drought, and poor air quality.He said that today's IPCC report is alarming. He also stated that it highlights the importance to invest in initiatives like the Civilian Climate Corps, which he and other Democrats called for in a reconciliation package. We will decide the future of the world by what we do in the next decade. It is up to us to make sure it is not ravaged from natural disasters or worsening air quality.These scientists have a stark message to share about these disasters: Get used them. Research shows that nations need to take steps to defend themselves against weather disasters that could occur if fossil fuel emissions are not reduced.Jim Kossin (senior scientist at climate risk firm The Climate Service, who was one of the IPCC authors on the chapter about extremes, stated that people are becoming more scared. That will change people's mindsets, I believe. And that will hopefully affect their voting habits.Scientists know that heat waves will become more intense, longer-lasting, and more frequent. Overheating oceans is causing further warming. Governments will not take any new actions to stop the melting of glaciers and ice shelves for many decades. This is despite rising tides that flood cities and cause storm surges farther inland.Scientists are finding it difficult to calibrate their models because of extreme, rare events that occur so quickly. These calamities are disrupting the infrastructure and institutions of society. Scientists are becoming more confident in their ability to predict these events, which makes them even more nervous.