This comprehensive summary of the physical science behind climate change, based on more that 14,000 studies, was approved by 195 countries. This report will be the focus of diplomats meeting in November at U.N. summit in Glasgow, to discuss ways to increase their efforts to reduce carbon emissions.While President Biden and a growing number of other world leaders have supported the goal to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (1.5 degrees Celsius), current policies in major polluting nations are far from reaching that target. China, India, Russia and Canada are the 10 largest emitters of greenhouse gasses.This new report proves that global warming is a result of humans. It concludes that nations that burn fossil fuels, clear forests, and load the atmosphere with greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane trap heat, are the main drivers.According to the report, climate changes have had little in common with human history. It is likely that the last decade has been the hottest on Earth in 125,000 years. The earth's glaciers are melting at an unprecedented rate in the last 2,000 years.Over the past century, ocean levels have increased by 8 inches. The rate of increase has doubled from 2006. Since 1950, heat waves are much more intense and last for longer periods of time in many parts of the globe. Large swathes of the globe have seen wildfire weather worsen. Since the 1980s, the frequency of extreme heat waves in the ocean that can kill fish, seabirds, and coral reefs has doubled.Scientists have been able to establish clear links between climate change and severe weather events in recent years. The report states that many of the new extreme temperatures, such as the record-breaking heat wave that decimated the Pacific Northwest in June, are extremely unlikely to have occurred without human intervention on the climate system. Some droughts, floods, and downpours are made worse by greenhouse gas emissions.