Education secretary: 'We're clearly at a fork in the road' in opening schools safely

DeSantis is in a dispute with the White House, as well as with municipalities and cities in his state. He promised to fight any local lockdowns or mask mandates.Cardona stated to John Dickerson, CBS host, that he had reached out to various state leaders to reach consensus on the best way to educate and protect students."I spoke to Gov. Cardona stated that Abbott was contacted and that he had spoken to him. "We must work together to ensure that our schools are safe for all our students and our staff.He said that data shows us that students are at risk in areas where they don't follow mitigation strategies. This cannot be accepted.Cardona stated that teachers would benefit from being vaccinated. He reported that 90 percent have been vaccinated across the country."Educators who have done so much for our students over the last year are now coming together to say, Let's do our bit," he said. We know that they are eager to get vaccinated.Cardona stated that those who have policies to prevent this from happening should not be the reason schools are disrupted, children aren't allowed to participate in extracurricular activities, or games are cancelled.