During a Michigan house-showing, a Black realtor and his clients were treated as first-rate criminals by police who showed up with cavalry and guns drawn after a 911 mistake.Eric Brown was giving Roy Thorne's 15-year old son a tour of the city last week when they were suddenly confronted by several police cruisers outside. Some of them pointed their guns at them and demanded they get out.They all did what they were asked and were all briefly detained while cops quizzed them. A neighbor was concerned and called to report a break in. The suspect's car looked similar to Eric's the previous week.The City of Wyoming Police Department was formed. They began to flood in. After sorting out the details, Eric explained that he was a realtor who was showing off the property. The police then realized what was going on and released everyone.As things were wrapped up, everyone seemed to be in good spirits. The cops apologized for any inconvenience but Eric and his colleagues are still angry about it...and now claim racial profiling.