Watch video content @realtonyluu/InstaOver the weekend, Nebraska was flooded with water. This was especially true in Omaha where three people almost drowned in an elevator full of water.Tony Luu, a local resident, captured the frightening moment via social media. He showed his friends and him trapped in an elevator at their apartment building. They were trying to descend but ended up neck deep in water.It's understandable that they would want to witness the wild flooding in person -- it was quite an event all across Omaha, it seems... with water rising rapidly in parking structures and other places.UPDATE Omaha, Nebraska: There are no severe thunderstorm warnings. However, storms in NW Missouri can still cause gusty winds & small hail. It is possible to experience heavy rainfall and frequent lightning. In Omaha flash flood warnings remain in effect where life threatening flooding is ongoing pic.twitter.com/miOeErDZ77 shocks_ss (@ss_shocks) August 8, 2021 @ss_shocksYou can see it here... Luu was able record the moment the elevator became stuck and the water that started pouring through the vents. According to Luu, the water reached their stomachs quickly and he and his friends began to panic.The water rose to alarming levels, almost reaching the ceiling of this tight space. Luu and his friends climbed onto the elevator railing to gain leverage. They also called 911 to ask for help.Luu and his friends outside managed to open the doors from the lobby level. Luu claims he was actually swimming out as the water rushed out. It almost sounds like an elevator scene in 'The Shining', Freaky ...However, they were all thankfully uninjured at the end. It could have easily escalated into a fatal situation without quick thinking and heroic actions.