The 21st century tourist trap of space is fast becoming SpaceX. According to a Weekend Business Insider report, SpaceX has teamed up with Geometric Energy Corporation (a Canadian research and developmental firm) to launch what is essentially a digital billboard into orbit.AdvertisementGEC CEO and co-founder Samuel Reid spoke to the outlet. He said that the company is working on a satellite called CubeSat. It has a selfie stick and a pixelated display panel on the other side. This screen can show advertisements, logos and other art.The CubeSat will ride along SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket to orbit, where it will be released into orbit before the rocket reaches its destination. The selfie stick will record footage and stream it live on YouTube or Twitch. Reid claims that the CubeSat will be released in early 2022.Once the display is up and running you will be able purchase tokens to claim the designated pixels, set the duration of the ad, and determine the pixels' appearance. Five tokens are available: Beta for the coordinate X, Rhoe to the coordinate Y, Gamma and Kappa respectively for the brightness, Kappa and Kappa for color, and XI to indicate the time.Artists, corporations, and everyone else interested in tokens can purchase them using cryptocurrency. GEC hopes to be in a position to support payments in dogecoin later on. What could be a better use of a meme cryptocurrency than to buy space ads?G/O Media might get a great deal CBD Tincture oil Higher concentration to help with the harder daysIdeal for daily stress relief and anxiety relief. Boosted by Vitamins D3 and B12.Buy Sunday Scaries for $34Reid explained to Business Insider that he is trying to create something that will allow decentralized participation and democratize space access. We hope that people don't waste money on things that are offensive, insensitive, or insulting.This is the internet we are referring to. It takes me about 24 hours for someone to spend good money just so they can make a dick pic orbit Earth.AdvertisementReid said that he could not disclose the cost of each CubeSat token. It is safe to assume that advertising space will not be inexpensive, given how much effort and time it took to get the billboard up in the first place. Gizmodo did not receive a response from SpaceX or GEC regarding the matter.The joint venture is not the first between the two. GEC revealed in May that SpaceX had paid it entirely in dogecoin for a spacecraft spot on its upcoming lunar mission. Dogecoin literally means going to the moon. Doge-1 is the appropriate name for the mission. It will take off in 2022.