Watch video content @jamielynnspears/InstaJamie Lynn Spears shared her frustration with Britney, her big sister.Jamie Lynn shared what sounds like a tearful audio. Jamie Lynn's 3-year-old daughter Ivey can be heard saying, "It will be okay mom, it must be okay mom." Jamie Lynn sounds as if she is fighting back tears when she says, "Thanks, baby."The drama within the Spears clan is emphasized by the audio that was recorded Saturday night. Britney made it clear that she believes her dad, mom and sister betrayed her about the conservatorship. Britney claims they have all profited, at her great cost.Britney wrote last month that she would never forget the people who were there for her when she needed them, and those who helped me before I even asked."Britney said, "How dare people you love most say anything? Did they even offer to lift me up at TIME !!!????" You dare to make it public that you CAREd when I was drowning ????"June 2021: Play video content