Two years ago, Taco Bell opened a resort at Palm Springs. KFC has expanded its hospitality reach to lodging. It will open a temporary popup for 11 nights in London.House of Harland will open 11 nights from the 18th to 29th of August. The Colonelmobile, a black Cadillac that can be driven by guests, will pick them up and make sure they feel like royalty.You can enjoy chick-flicks in the cinema room, as well as drumsticks in your bedding, wallpaper, towels, and even an arcade machine. The price for a night is US$150, but guests can stay one night. Each room also comes with $140 worth chicken, which can be ordered by pressing the button.Oddly, 6 out of 11 nights were never publicly booked. Two nights are reserved for KFC competition winners. It is not known what will happen on the other nights.