This summer, the public will be able to visit a 2,000-year-old restaurant discovered in Pompeii by archaeologists.The first of the 80 "thermopoliums" found at the site are in better-than expected condition.It used to serve snails and beef to Roman customers. Traces of this were discovered at the site.10 Things in Politics: Get the latest news in politics and economics Loading... Click Sign up to receive marketing emails and other offers from Insider.This summer, a 2,000-year-old fast food and drink counter will be open to the public. It was discovered by archaeologists in the streets of Pompeii, an ancient Roman city.According to The Telegraph, the "thermopolium" will open on August 12, which is Latin for hot-drink counter.Last year, the counter and its surrounding area were discovered at the Regio V archaeological park site. Insider's Sophia Ankel reported that the counter had previously offered Roman customers culinary delights including beef, fish, and snails.Also found were fragments of duck bone and crushed fava beans that were used to alter the wine's taste.Additional cooking utensils were also found on the site, including a bronze drinking vessel, ceramic jars and wine flasks.This counter is decorated with brightly-colored frescos and deep circular jar holders. It is the first of 80 food bars to be found in a condition that is considered good, considering its age.According to The Guardian, Massimo Osanna is the director general of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii.Pompeii was trapped in ash and pumice after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79 killed between 2,000- 15,000 people. Archaeologists have excavated around two-thirds the site since its ruins were discovered in the 16th Century.