Dogecoin will allow you to buy advertising space.Orbital BillboardsSpaceX has partnered with a Canadian startup in tech to launch a digital billboard into space.According to Insider, Samuel Reid, CEO and cofounder of Geometric Energy Corporation, said that his company has partnered with SpaceX in order to launch an advertising satellite called a CubeSat into space. A huge screen would be mounted on the satellite's side, where customers can place their advertisements and logos.Reid told Insider that there might be companies who want their logo to reflect their brand. Or, it could end up being more personal and artistic. Perhaps Coca-Cola or Pepsi will battle over their logos and claim victory over each other.Crypto for Tokens to PixelsAlthough the process of buying advertising space on a satellite is complicated, it's quite easy. First, everyone can purchase digital advertising space as long as they pay more than the bidding.AdvertisementAdvertisementReid told Insider that he is trying to create something that will allow decentralized participation and democratize space access. We hope that people don't waste money on things that are offensive, insensitive, or insulting.Yes, that's right.To stake pixel space on satellite, you will also need to buy tokens. You can buy five tokens: Gamma, that determines brightness; Kappa which determines color; Beta which determines X coordinate; Rhoe which determines Y coordinate; and Xi which determines when your ad will appear.People will also be able purchase tokens using cryptocurrency. Reid stated that Dogecoin is a possible form of payment.AdvertisementAdvertisementLucrative PartnershipSpaceX has not yet commented on the partnership, so it's possible that it won't even happen.Reid stated that GEC was a rival for the attention of the aeronautics company since 2018. Insider reports that Reid only taught some of Musks students at Ad Astra School before the company accepted Reid's proposal.Take this information with a grain. If it passes, however, it will mark a very foreboding milestone. The dark maws of capitalism will not spare the stars and galaxies that we all look at.READ MORE: SpaceX, a Canadian startup, plan to launch a satellite which will beam ads into space. Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency that allows anyone to buy pixels from the satellites' screens. [Insider]AdvertisementAdvertisementSpace ads: This startup wants to launch giant glowing ads into the night sky