There are many Burgerville branches in Oregon and Washington. WikicommonsDue to vandalism and crime in the area, a Burgerville branch was temporarily closed.According to Portland Business Journal, weapons were found on site by the company.The company stated that staff will be paid for their scheduled shifts, as well as offered positions at nearby sites.Check out more stories from Insider's business page.Burgerville, a fast-food restaurant chain, announced that it will temporarily close its southeast Portland location due to employee concerns over increasing vandalism or crime.Jill Taylor, Burgerville CEO, stated that while it was sad to close the Burgerville temporarily, she will always ensure that our employees are safe and secure.A spokesperson for the company stated that "the environment around the restaurant had deteriorated significantly." Daily police calls are made.They added that employees from Burgerville had found weapons, drug paraphernalia and human waste on the property.None of the incidents mentioned have apparently been reported to police.Portland Business Journal reported that the burger chain had added that it had hired private security for the Powell and 92nd locations, but that conditions were "continuing to worsen".The spokesperson for the company stated that there was no other option but to temporarily close down to protect employees and guests. "Employees will be paid for their scheduled shifts, and offered positions in nearby areas."Burgerville has been a favorite in the Pacific Northwest for many years. Kate Taylor, an Insider reporter, said that the restaurant has some of the best American food.There are also some unusual items on the menu that you won't find in fast-food restaurants, such as the red, blueberry, and white ice-cream sandwich.According to Willamette Week, the first Burgerville restaurant to unionize was Portland's Southeast 92nd & Powell locations in 2018. According to Mark Medina, spokesperson for Burgerville Workers Union this news was a shock to the union.Continue the story"We had no involvement in this decision. Medina stated that we were totally blindsided by it.He said that the employees he spoke to were not concerned about vandalism and other crimes as the company stated in its press release.Business Insider has the original article.