One man who was hospitalized for COVID-19 has taken to social media to encourage others to avoid the same fate.Travis Campbell didn't get the COVID-19 vaccine. He's now pleading for others to get the COVID-19 vaccine in Facebook videos."I can't breath. I feel like I'm in a coma. Campbell said that he feels like a fish out water.Insider Healthcare: Get the latest news and analysis in healthcare Loading Click to sign up for marketing emails from Insider and other partners. You also agree to our Terms of Service & Privacy PolicyVirginia father who was infected with coronavirus is now in hospital, urging others to get vaccinated.CNN reported that Travis Campbell was admitted to the hospital in late July. He has since turned his Facebook account into an advocacy site for vaccines against COVID-19.Campbell posts videos showing him in oxygen masks as he struggles with the symptoms of the coronavirus."I made a big mistake, guys. Campbell said Wednesday that he didn't receive the vaccine, even though he was wearing an oxygen mask. "I made a mistake. I apologize."Campbell answered questions about why he wasn't vaccinated. He said that he and his family lived in rural Virginia, and that he didn’t feel like he had ever interacted enough with people to be infected.Campbell said that he believed he had contracted the coronavirus from his family last year. He told CNN that he thought they had "beat our odds" of getting infected with the coronavirus once again. It is not known if he or his family members were ever tested for COVID-19.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, anyone who has ever been infected with coronavirus should still be vaccinated.Campbell is now struggling to manage his symptoms."I can't breath. I feel like I'm in a coma. Campbell said that he feels like a fish out water.He said, "It was my fault." "I should have taken (sic) care of my children and my wife and gotten vaccinated anyway. But I'm paying for it. "I just want to tell everyone and anyone: If you are on the fence, I would like you to do a very thorough evaluation of your life. Please, get vaccinated.Campbell shared a Facebook live video on Saturday saying that he feels better and has more strength."I'm not special, and I'm not trying portray that I'm." He said that he was not trying to gain anything except friends and love, and to let people know how awful it is and how badly I made it."