CNN chief domestic correspondent Jim Acosta AP Photo/Alex BrandonCNN's Jim Acosta stated that scientists should name new COVID varieties after Republican governors.Florida's Republic Governor Ron DeSantis continues to ignore COVID-19 safety precautions such as mask-wearing."Why not call it DeSantis variant rather than the Delta variant?" He said.Check out more stories from Insider's business page.CNN anchor Jim Acosta attacked Republican governors for not enforcing COVID-19 safety regulations. He suggested that scientists name variants after them.Acosta specifically targeted Florida's governor. Ron DeSantis during a CNN segment."As the nation fights the Delta variant of the virus, the states remain divided between those who are fighting the virus and those who are fighting science. States that are led by politicians who understand better. Florida is a good example." he stated.Acosta said, "People shouldn't have to die so that politicians can own the libraries." They don't own anyone. They could end up being the ones who prolong the pandemic. It might be time to name these new variants after them. It might be better to call it the DeSantis version instead of the Delta variation.DeSantis has stopped Florida's public schools from enforcing the mask mandates. DeSantis has also promised to reverse the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's guidance that restricts cruises due to the Delta variant surges. He also met with anti-maskers and defended unvaccinated persons in recent years.As infections continued to rise, he rolled out Tshirts and Koozies that said "Don't Fauci My Florida".Acosta attacked DeSantis's sales of this merchandise, accusing him both of downplaying the pandemic as well as not doing enough to increase vaccination rates in his state.Acosta stated that beer koozies with the message "Don't Florida My Fauci" can be sold and used to pay for all funerals.Florida faces dire consequences as the Delta variant continues its spread across the state. Florida can now be linked with approximately one in five COVID-19 new cases in the United States.Continue the storyAcosta also identified lawmakers who have opposed vaccine mandates. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene praises Alabama's low vaccination rate in a new video.Missouri Senator Josh Hawley has also criticised President Joe Biden's push for vaccines against coronavirus.He stated, "It doesn't help to have the president and the federal government of the United States. 'If you don’t get the vaccine you're stupid.'"Business Insider has the original article.