August 7, 2021 8 minutes readEntrepreneur contributors do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed.I could go on and on about money-making strategies. This stuff is what I love and I'm excited to share my experiences with others. It gives me immense joy to see people's results.It is just as important, if not more, to focus on how to become wealthy.This should be prefaced by saying that I am not referring to specific strategies. While trust funds, investor portfolios, and the like can be great, what is most important is you.I discovered the hard way that I am the center of my universe, and that I have never failed at anything.I'm not saying this from a narcissistic perspective. My life is seen through mine eyes. My perception of the world must be through my eyes and my senses. This determines the experiences I get from it.All of us have been guilty of misinterpreting situations and the intentions of others. We all do this on a regular basis, if we are honest with ourselves. It is likely that others have done it in the past. Accepting this responsibility, however, will allow us to see that our power is in how we interpret the world around us. We can become unstoppable.Your relationship with moneyHow does this realization impact wealth retention?It is important to determine who you will be when you reach financial independence. How will your day be? What will you do when bills arrive in your mailbox?This is something that many people don't do. This person lives in a mental state of deprivation and is still constantly stressed out by spending. They are resistant to investing opportunities and view their money as a finite resource. This creates a reality that you don't like.As part of my training, I ask my clients and students to write a love note to money. Personifying money is crucial to understand our relationship to money and where emotional blocks are.Related: 5 Things that Matter More Than Making MoneyLike all the other experiences we have, money has no emotional weight.It is a facilitator. It is a medium for exchange. It is a medium of exchange.Many people mistakenly believe that wealthy people get their wealth by being strict with their money. This is simply not true, due to the small issue of inflation. If you sit on a pile money for too long, it will become almost worthless in real terms. To grow your money, you must invest it. And it should grow faster than inflation. It's not enough to be wealthy.What is the energy level of a wealthy person?Perhaps you are able to help them. Do they have a tight budget or can they afford to buy things without worrying about their bank account? They are likely very generous people who don't worry about where their money will come from to be able to spend what they want. They could have inherited wealth or they may be able to acquire capital through education.It is their relationship with money that makes them rich. They don't have to be wealthy. It is more about their relationship with the universe and their confidence that they will be taken care of. They also know the difference between being generous with their money and being strict with it.Related: 10 ways to make money while you sleepHow you have never failed at anythingPeople who start to succeed end up engaging in foolish and frivolous behaviors. This is a clear sign that people have not done enough mental preparation to become wealthy.I would go further and say there is no such thing as "sabotage behavior". This is because people often go back to the same type of behavior due to subconscious programming. These acts of self-sabotage are not actually a failure. Your mind is not in danger. You are still executing a plan, but you're not actually executing it.It is all about you being the only architect of your life. This is a must-know if you are to make positive changes in your life.Wealth creation and retention are just two aspects of itWe are the filter of information. This means we must own it. We are giving up our power if we give any part of it over to others. Although it is tempting to give up responsibility for your life, this is like putting your subconscious on cruise control and then giving up the wheel.However, this does not mean that you should spend your entire waking time consciously choosing every aspect and aspect of your life. It would be a very miserable existence if everyone had the will and time to do this. This is not to suggest that external forces aren't possible. You need to set up your subconscious to make the choices you want.No doubt you've heard of the reticular activating mechanism and its role within your brain. It acts as a filter that allows you to see and focus only those things that will help you achieve your goals. This was likely more important for cavemen and women, who were better at finding shelter and food. However, the same prehistoric system is still present in us today.I'm sure you have had the experience of purchasing a car and feeling special while out on the streets. However, every few minutes, the same car is there. Recently, I became a father and see expectant mothers and parents everywhere I go. They were probably there before I was born, but I didn't know I was. I had other subconscious programming.This is a practical and effective way to regain your power. You can use many methods, but gratitude is the best.GratitudeYou will be able to activate your reticular activating mechanism to notice more things to be grateful for. You'll find it easier to let go of your negative beliefs about money and the power you have to make it happen. You will feel abundant in all areas of your life.It sounds a bit silly, I'm sure, but it works. It takes three weeks for a habit to form, so give it a try. What are you waiting for? Before you get started in your day, make it a habit to wake up every morning and write down five of the most important things you are grateful for.It's worth it! Try it for 3 weeks to see the difference.Related: How your mindset can crush your business