The D.S.M. The D.S.M. criteria are subjective, according to Dr. Martin Teicher. He is a Harvard Medical School psychiatrist and editor of the Harvard Medical School guide on adult A.D.H.D. He said that it is necessary to make some distinctions as to which behaviors are common.Children who are exceptionally bright may be able to sneak past the wire without having their A.D.H.D. They will be detected if they do well academically but will also have other problems such as being fidgety. Dr. Teicher explained.How can you tell if you have it? What treatment options are available?A.D.H.D. There are many severity levels, and symptoms can vary in intensity.A screening tool might be useful if you suspect you may have adult A.D.H.D. Although it is not intended to diagnose, it can help you identify the symptoms and signs of adult A.D.H.D.It is important to have a thorough evaluation by a specialist in A.D.H.D. This will allow you to determine if you have the disorder or a second (or even third). For example, up to 50% of A.D.H.D. sufferers have an anxiety disorder.Dr. Zylowska stated that it might be difficult to determine the cause of multiple issues. It is crucial to create a timeline that shows when A.D.H.D. occurred. behaviors started.A.D.H.D. tends to run in families. This means that if your parents have A.D.H.D. there is a higher chance that you may also have it. A small study found that A.D.H.D. affects 41 percent of mothers and 51 per cent of fathers in a group of 79 children. Adderall is a stimulant medication, but there are also non-stimulant medications such as Strattera. A.D.H.D. sufferers may also use non-stimulant medications like Strattera. People with A.D.H.D. can also seek therapy, coaching and mindfulness-based training as well as nutritional interventions to manage their symptoms.