At night, the International Space Station hovers above a city. A new report suggests that human activity could be pushing the climate past a "tipping point".Nearly 14,000 scientists signed a new climate emergency document, warning of "untold suffering" if the world doesn't act now to stop global warming.Researchers from Oregon State University led the new paper. It was published in BioScience on July 28th. The paper is an update to a 2019 paper. They evaluated Earth's vital indicators based upon 31 variables, including global greenhouse gas emissions, surface temperatures changes, and glacial ice loss.The new paper's authors found that Earth's vitals have declined over the past two years. 18 of 31 categories in the report showed new record highs or records, which is not surprising, they wrote. The report revealed that greenhouse gas emissions have reached an all-time high and glacial ice thickness has fallen to its lowest level in 71 years. The world is now richer than ever (measured in global GDP), but the sky is becoming more polluted (measured as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide levels in the atmosphere).Related: 10 Signs that the Earth's climate has gone off-trackThe study's authors stated that the updated planetary vital sign data they present are a reflection of the effects of business as usual. COVID-19 teaches us a major lesson: even massively decreased transportation and consumption do not suffice. Instead, system transformations are needed, and these must be embraced above politics.The report highlights positive trends such as record-breaking increases in solar and wind energy and institutions quitting the fossil fuel industry. However, it paints an overall grim picture of the future. This is exacerbated by the ongoing rise in climate-related disasters such as floods, hurricanes, wildfires, heat waves, according to the authors. The team also suggested that the planet could be nearing (or already has passed) crucial natural tipping points, such as the Amazon rainforest becoming an carbon source instead of a sink. This will make it difficult to recover.All of this boils down into one conclusion: Future habitability depends on large-scale, immediate action, according to the authors.The team recommends a three-pronged approach to achieve this goal: 1) Set a significant global carbon price to reduce carbon emissions; 2) Phase out and eventually ban fossil fuels; 3) Protect and restore key carbon-rich ecosystems like forests and wetlands to protect biodiversity and preserve the largest carbon sinks on the planet.The authors stated that "implementing these policies quickly will help ensure long-term sustainability and give future generations the chance to thrive." "It is crucial that the speed of change be addressed, so new climate policies must be included in COVID-19's recovery plans."In the next few years, researchers will release another "check-in" on the planet. As more countries take climate change serious, the future report should show more positive signs. It could even reflect the end of society. Only time and political action can tell.Original publication on Live Science