TechCrunch Disrupt 2021 is the place to be if your entire life revolves around tech startups. You can also get a pass for as low as $99.Peeps, it's now-oclock. Get your pass today before the early-bird prices end at 11:59 PM (PT).It is impossible to list all the Disrupt speakers, events, and opportunities in one post. Trust me, we tried. Let's focus on one aspect of Disrupt 2021 that you will not want to miss. Breakout sessions.These sessions are scattered across the three days. We'll only highlight a few of these sessions; you can find all of them in Disrupt 2021.Ten Startup Pitch Feedback Sessions are scheduled over three days. Take the time to observe and listen as all startups exhibiting at Startup Alley pitch, and get feedback from TC staff. You will be able to learn tips and tricks to improve your pitch.You Complete Me: We were all partners in the age of composable ecosystems. No longer were we enemies, but instead became pure collaborators. Why is it now the best time to invite your friends and challengesrs to the table. We must build for an unknown future with a shared strategy, and a value outcome. Find out five ways you can encourage more symbiotic relationships within the platform economy. Elliott Limb, Mambu's chief customer officer, presents the information.Hacking U.S. Healthcare. Few things evoke more negative emotions that navigating medical billing. Americans urgently require solutions that prioritize their needs and lower costs, while elevating the patient journey to allow them to focus on receiving care. Digital innovation can deliver exceptional patient experiences, which remove friction for providers, payers and consumers. Cedar, a digital unicorn in healthcare, created a platform that is consumer-first and revolutionizing the healthcare industry's financial experience. Cedar.KiwiCo: Taking Care Of the Next Generation. KiwiCo empowers children to explore, create, and learn using hands-on kits. Mirvie offers a personal window into pregnancy to allow for early intervention and detection. Grove's line of eco-friendly beauty and home products is dedicated to a plastic-free world. These three extraordinary leaders will share their visions of creating a better world for the future, building communities and movements, and the milestones they have achieved in achieving velocity. Mayfield presented the presentation.TechCrunch Disrupt 2021 will be there on September 21-23. You can attend for as little as $100 Get an early-bird discount today at 11:59 PM (PT)Are you interested in exhibiting or sponsoring Disrupt 2021? Fill out this form to contact our sponsorship sales team.