Suicide Squad DCIt is not even close. The Suicide Squad is the DCEU's best film. James Gunn's R-rated comedy opus easily surpasses Snyders series and even more so with Wonder Woman and Shazam. It's just that good.Gunn, of course, is working in unusual territory here, with The Suicide Squad being a sequel-but-not-really to the original Suicide Squad, the worst-reviewed entry in the DCEU. You can choose to blame studio interference in David Ayers' vision or fear of getting a full-R rating. Yet, Gunn has received a seemingly unlimited check in both content and financial terms.The Suicide Squad refers to virtually none of the events in the original movie. This is a strange situation considering that it shares at most a few main characters but that doesn't really matter. It is its own thing and it's better that way.The Suicide Squad quickly reveals why the film has so many cast members. The films begin with a horrifying opening and end in minutes. Gunn takes Gunn's idea of the Suicide Squad to the extreme. It allows for the actual death of characters. Gunn does this in a way that is not only killing the minor characters you would expect. You will be surprised at the scale and timing of many of the Suicide Squad deaths throughout the film.Given Gunns expertise, the film is quite funny. Sylvester Stallone's portrayal of a boring but cute King Shark is exemplary. John Cena's Peacemaker is both hilarious and terrifying. You will laugh just by looking at Polka Dot Man. Margot Robbie finally gets to play Harley Quinn, one of the most lovable characters. This is by far the best Harley Quinn movie we have seen, even more than her Birds of Prey film. The film's best action scenes are hers, and she often feels like the film's emotional core.Suicide Squad DCThe Suicide Squad has an emotional core. We get to know many of the characters, including Bloodsport the straight-man and Sebastian the Ratcatcher 2. Daniela Melchior, a little-known Portuguese actress, gives a stunning performance as Ratcatcher 2. They also make up some of the most moving moments in the film.It is symbolic of the whole concept that the villain should be a giant starfish. It's funny in appearance, but it's actually quite terrifying in practice. And it's a far better idea than you think. Although I was unable to understand the reason for the film's high budget, the final sequence will explain it all as the squad takes on Starro in the grand finale.There is even solid political commentary on the nature of the Suicide Squad, and the nation they serve. You should not go into spoiler territory by going any further.James Gunn was already a highly sought-after director of superhero films after Guardians of the Galaxy. But, what about The Suicide Squad? This movie is a must-see, and Hell is better than any of his Guardians films. The R-rating isn't the only thing that makes it great, but it is a contributing factor. DC and Marvel should look more closely at that rating for future films. Sometimes all you need is to curse and see a man-shark eat a human skull.The Suicide Squad is a great superhero movie and deserves the high praise it has received. It almost feels like a different film than the majority of high-rated movies. I can't name two films that are more opposite to this or The Dark Knight. Even if it were to be placed in a small category, which might include Guardians or a Deadpool movie or two. It works perfectly and is a huge success at every level. It is best to see it right away, at least in theaters.Follow me on Twitter and Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Subscribe to God Rolls, my weekly content roundup newsletter.My sci-fi novels, The Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy are available on audiobook.