A new cryptocurrency based on The Lord of the Rings will be available on Friday, as if there wasn't enough scam-ridden cryptocurrency in the world. JRR Token isn't the only strange thing about it. The crypto promotes the crypto by Billy Boyd, who was the actor who played Pippin Took.AdvertisementJRR Token was introduced earlier this week. This is not to be confused the J.R.R. author. Tolkien posted a 40 second video of Boyd talking positively about crypto. Cameo allows celebrities to pay Boyd to make the video. The platform allows them to send video messages to them, live video calls and write them messages. Boyd's video was viewed over 198,000 times as of publication on JRR Tokens Twitter.This is a huge impact considering that they paid $145 for the video. Boyd's Cameo page shows Boyds rate.Although Boyd does not explicitly encourage people to purchase crypto, the video looks more like he is reading a script that they sent him. However, he does state that the currency will continue to be available for the long-term. He also mentions that JRR Token will be sent to the moon. This means that the currency's price will rise. Boyd doesn't know the exact reference.I'm here to tell you that JRR was designed with the intention of creating a stable, sustainable cryptocurrency that could be used by all adventurous people. Boyd stated that the Tokenomics of JRR reflect its long-term viability. Are they going to the moon? They'll go back and forth.It's funny that Boyd ends with a reference of The Hobbit. However, this could be taken as a red flag for crypto-world. In theory, you would not want the price of a cryptocurrency to drop or go to the moon if you wanted it to go up. Maybe that's just me.AdvertisementBoyd's message received a mixed response on Twitter. It was labelled an embarrassment, disgusting grift, and others brought up Gandalf's famous Fool of a Took comment.According to JRR Token's website and social media activity, JRR Token is preparing for launch for several months. This is yet another hype coin that developers promise big returns on. They create dozens of them every day. According to the New York Times, it is simple and quick to create hype coins. The majority of hype coins become worthless within a few weeks.AdvertisementWorryingly, JRR Tokens creators have gotten a well-known person in the Lord of the Rings to endorse their fraudulent crypto. Although the reception has not been very positive, some people may believe Boyd and put their money in JRR Token. It will be available for presale Friday.Gizmodo reached to Cameo for comments on Boyds' video. If we get a reply, we will update this blog.AdvertisementJRR Token is unlikely to be around much longer. Everything related to The Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien is protected fiercely by the Tolkien estate. They won't hesitate to take out their swords and sue.