You can watch video content from The Real Spark on YouTubeA flight attendant who duct-taped a Frontier passenger is now speaking out. At least, he is a YouTuber.You have to see this spoof TV newscast. It starts with real news footage, but then the middle features YouTube personality The Real Spark masquerading as Alfredo Rivera, a flight attendant. If you do anything on his flights, "you'll have to attend this asswhooping!"He explained that the passenger smelled like "4 shots Everclear and regret." Then he refers to something that actually happened on the flight: Max Berry, the passenger, was allegedly seen groping a female crewmember mid-flight. Alfredo adds that Max Berry touched his titties because he doesn't like that !!!"'.Watch as we award it an "A" for quality in delivery and production.Watch video content WPLG10After he allegedly groped two female crew members, the flight attendant taped Berry to his seat and began screaming, cussing, and making a scene.Watch video content at TMZ.comTMZ has obtained new video showing Berry ranting while he was being restrained. Frontier supports the actions of the flight attendants in question, but they are currently on paid leave as the airline investigates.