"I keep getting virus alerts on my phone!" Please help!"Did anyone else get the virus from this link?" I am so pissed.""How can I get rid this virus?" Please, help me.These are just a few of the angry comments Telegram users left after clicking a link posted by Ron Watkins on Tuesday. Ron Watkins is the former administrator at 8kun, an extremist imageboard that Q of QAnon fame dropped communications to its followers.This is a screenshot of a few people who were unhappy about Ron Watkins' Telegram link. Credit: mashable screenshotMany researchers and reporters of the far-right QAnon conspiracy believe Watkins to be Q. Why would Watkins want to share a virus among his subscribers?What is the deal?Watkins teased a surprise revelation about the 2020 Presidential election earlier this week. Watkins revealed his bombshell to conspiracy theory-believing followers, and it was nothing but a slap in the face.Watkins' video features John Poulos, CEO of Dominion Voting Systems. Poulos is responsible for large amounts of voting technology that is used in elections across the country. Multiple people have falsely accused Dominion of wrongdoing during the 2020 election.Watkins and MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell, Trump supporters, have claimed for months that they have evidence that the election between Joe Biden & Donald Trump was fraudulent and that Trump won. Their evidence is a collection of conspiracy theories and lies. Joe Biden is the official president of the United States. There has been no evidence that fraud was involved in the election.Despite this, the believers in the right-wing QAnon conspiracy still believe that Biden will soon step down and Trump will automatically rise to the presidency.Poulos, in the Watkins clip, reiterates that neither the company nor anyone else can remotely access the voting machines during an electoral election. Watkins' clip includes blurry, unintelligible video of computer screens that are allegedly the result of a whistleblower from Dominion claiming that they can remotely access these machines.After opening Ron Watkins' video, Q believe they have been hacked. Credit: mashable screenshotWatkins' Telegram message with the video contained a link to a file-uploading site. This was apparently so his subscribers could download the.MP4 files and share them elsewhere.Many Telegram subscribers to Watkins' Telegram account claim that the link contained a virus that took control of their smartphones and sent them a series of notifications. It is not clear why Watkins used this file uploading service. However, online screenshots show that it is clear what's happening with these phones.We spam 1 where we spam 1. We spam allWatkins shared a link that installs iOS notification spam on his subscribers' iPhones.iOS notifications spam attacks are becoming more common. Users will often click on a link to be bombarded by pop-up messages asking them to tap the button to go to the page.After clicking Watkins' link, here's an example of a QAnon believer’s iPhone calendar. Credit: mashable screenshotClicking on the popup will upload a calendar that was created by the spammer onto your iPhone. The calendar will continue to display notifications at regular intervals, usually on an hourly basis.This type of spam is used to convince users that Apple wants to warn them about a virus in their phones. Many QAnon followers believed that Watkins' link had given their phones a virus.Watkins' message was viewed by a concerned individual who clicked the link. Credit: mashable screenshotWatkins' message was viewed by a concerned individual who clicked the link. Credit: mashable screenshotThe spammer's goal is to trick the user into clicking a payment link in the notification. This will allow them to purchase an app or subscription that claims to remove the virus.Q-Dropping is the solutionMashable can't help but believe that Trump's presidency election was illegally overturned. However, we can assist with the iOS calendar notification spam.This problem can be solved by opening the Calendar app on iPhone and tapping on the word "Calendars".Navigate to the calendar on your iPhone. Credit: mashable screenshotTap the red circled letter "i" in lowercase to locate the spam calendar.Click on the infobox on the calendar to see the spam-producing items. Credit: mashable screenshotScroll to the bottom of the screen and click on delete.You can delete the calendar. Credit: mashable screenshotQAnon believes that there is no virus on your smartphone. After following these steps, spam notifications will disappear. Donald Trump was legitimately defeated in the 2020 Presidential Election.