McConnell stated that if they don't want or need our input, they won't receive our assistance with the debt limit rise these reckless plans will necessitate. It is impossible to be clearer. They can control the White House, the House and the Senate. They can increase the debt ceiling.McConnell didn't mention the possibility that Republicans might cooperate in a debt ceiling suspension. This is a more appealing strategy used by both parties in recent decades, which essentially puts the issue on hold until a later time. Republicans and Democrats reached a budget agreement with the former President Donald Trump's government that suspended the debt limit for two years. It was effective until July this year.The $3.5 trillion budget resolution, which kicks off consideration for the Democrats' massive party-line spending bill that would make huge investments in climate change, health care and other areas, will be upheld by Democrats as soon as possible. This resolution opens the reconciliation process and will allow Democrats the freedom to pass the liberal package with no GOP support.The privileged process could be used by Democrats to raise the debt limit without Republican votes. POLITICO reported Wednesday that Democrats could exclude language regarding raising the debt ceiling from their budget framework. Instead, Republicans will have to negotiate the high-stakes matter alongside a September funding deadline.Moderate Democrats are hesitant to accept a debt increase when the federal tab is already at $28 trillion. It will take some time, and it could drag into fall. This could be a problem because Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that the country could hit its breaking point in mid-September. Recently, the Congressional Budget Office predicted that Treasury would run out of money by October or November.Instead, Democrats have challenged Republicans to return to August recess to oppose bipartisan actions on government spending and debt limit. With just days left, they risk being blamed for a government shut down and a catastrophic default. GOP lawmakers insist that they will demand reforms to federal spending practices to get action on the debt limit.Sen. Mitt Romney (R. Utah) stated Thursday that Democrats would be wise in raising the debt limit through reconciliation, and not expecting Republicans to do so for them. They are the ones asking for $3.5 Trillion in new spending. It is their responsibility to raise the debt limit in order to fund it. We shouldn't expect them to.Romney stated that such a game would be irresponsible and dangerous.However, Sen. Mark Warner (D.Va.), a moderate member of Senate Budget Committee, stated Wednesday that Trump had agreed with both parties to protect the United States' full faith and credit.Warner stated that creating a fake crisis right now with so much going on around the world and in this country would be the height of irresponsibility. Let me just mention how Trump treated it.Burgess Everett was a contributor to this report.