It takes two weeks to slow down the spread.This was the original reason for the lockdowns and masking. Americans wanted to be able to rest assured that they would not overburden hospitals, causing unnecessary death.Wait until you have a vaccine.This was the next goal: an instruction to keep the coronavirus from spreading until a vaccine is developed.Despite warnings from COVID-19 pessimists about the time required to create a vaccine, and despite the unjustified alarmism expressed by figures such as Vice President Kamala Harris, that the Trump administration would alter vaccine protocols in order to attain political ends, vaccines were miraculously created.Wait until all adults have a chance to receive the vaccine.This was the last reason to be cautious. As states began to distribute vaccines in millions, everyone over the age of 12 was eligible to be vaccinated. Today, more than 90% of Americans over 65 who are considered most at-risk in the United States have been vaccinated. More than 70% of Americans over 18 have also been vaccinated.Yet.According to our sources, there is a huge COVID-19 crisis. The vaccinated must cover up again, that unvaccinated people should be banned from public places and that children should wear masks to school. According to our sources, America is facing doom and destruction every day and was experiencing a crisis similar to January's coronavirus outbreak. We were checking our vaccine cards in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York.This is not supported by statistics. The seven-day rolling average as calculated by The New York Times shows that less than 400 Americans die each day from COVID-19. At the peak of the pandemic, it was well over 3,000.Washington, D.C. has a total population of 692,000. San Francisco County, with a total population of 875,000, has a population of zero. Los Angeles County, with ten million people, has nine. New York City, however, has a population of 8.4 million.The current rise in COVID-19 Delta has caused a large number of cases, especially in Florida. However, there are no deaths following these cases. The United States will likely see their case count start to decline if it follows the same pattern as the United Kingdom or the Netherlands in the coming weeks.COVID-19 is not a major killer in those who have been vaccinated. Their death rate is very low. Unvaccinated people have chosen to not vaccinate. They are independent adults who can choose their own risk- and reward approach.All this leads us to ask: When will we be done?Are we done telling children to cover up in order to protect themselves and adults who don't want to vaccinate? What time are we done telling businesses that they must close down or ban customers based upon their vaccination status? When will we be done with mask mandates? Data suggests that they are ineffective even though masking can sometimes prove useful. With evidence-free social ditancing rules (6 feet seems pure conjecture) and the ever-vacillating, Delphic pronouncements by Dr. Anthony Fauci.We have reached the goal posts. Every adult has the ability to protect themselves. There are no other realistic goals: Zero COVID-19 case was never a realistic goal.What is the government's job?Yet.Public health experts continue to advocate more extreme restrictions. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, recommended this week that parents who have been vaccinated hide in their homes and around their children.This has no limit, and there is no goal. Only a bureaucratic or political elite is unable to recognize the limitations of its citizens and treat them as adults.Accepting that we are entitled to paternalistic control, we will be treated as such.COPYRIGHT 2021. CREATORS.COMThe Daily Signal offers a wide range of perspectives. This article is not meant to represent the views of The Heritage Foundation.Do you have a comment about this article? Send us an email at [email protected] with your comments. We may publish them in our We Hear You section. Include the URL of the article or the headline, along with your name and the town/state.