Britney Spears is tired of waiting for her turn in court. She wants to take action immediately, and get her father removed from conservatorship.Mathew Rosengart Britney's lawyer filed legal documents asking for a delay in the hearing on Jamie's removal from September to August.Rosengart claims that Britney feels traumatized every day Jamie continues acting as conservator on Britney's estate. Rosengart quotes Britney’s personal conservator Jodi Montgomery who states, "Mr. Spears's demotion as Conservator is crucial to [Britney’s] emotional well-being and in accordance with the best interests of conservatee."Montgomery states that she has had many ongoing conversations with the medical staff and that they all agreed that Ms. Spears' mental and physical health would be better if her father stopped acting as Conservator.Rosengart states, "Every day that passes is another year of avoidable harm to Ms. Spears or the Estate."He also stated that Britney's financial security is at risk every day. "There has been an apparent dissipation in assets of Ms. Spears Estate and that dissipation continues."Rosengart claims that Jamie's litigation counsel is asking for $1.3 mil in attorney’s fees alone... for services rendered between October 2020 and June 2021. He claims Jamie has also submitted $541k to "media matters." He describes the actions of Jamie as Conservator and states that it must stop.It's fascinating... he quotes Lynne Spears: "It is evident to me that James P. Spears cannot put my daughter's interests above his own on both an professional and personal level ...". What's more, Britney seems to hate Lynne just as much as her father.Rosengart states that if the court doesn't move the hearing up at the minimum, the judge should immediately suspend Jamie from his duties.