A 75-year old Florida man sent a trash opinion to a group of reactionary dopes about the U.S. women's soccer team. It was sent to them on Thursday morning. This would not be unusual if the man with a festering pile of manure in his brain wasn't the President of the United States six and a quarter months ago.Our soccer team, led by a radical Leftist Maniac group, would not have been woken if they had won the Gold Medal. Instead, Donald Trump dictated, wrote, or contracted someone (he won't pay them, he never pays) to speak on his behalf Thursday morning. All that is woken goes wrong, and Woke has certainly been. There were a few Patriots left. They need to respect our Country and the National Anthem. They need to replace the wokesters by Patriots, and win again. The purple-haired woman played badly and spent too much time thinking about Radical Left politics instead of doing her job.AdvertisementTrumpism has never had a strong point for copy editing, with its absurd capitalizations and unreadable sentences. They need more than just respecting the Country and National Anthem. You get the point. The players of Team USA took a knee during the national anthem. American women led by Megan Rapinoe (the woman in purple hair) have long been critical of the man wearing the Krylon suntan. They didn't even have to wear uniforms to represent the country. Boney McSpurs never did that. Their political views cost them gold at this Olympics.Yes, Grandpa. Now let's get back to Fox News and have you a bowl of KFC. This is absurd even by Trump standards.The U.S. women lost to Canada in the Olympic semifinal. If that contest was decided by politics, Trump's standards of respecting Country, National Anthem, and country should have won. While you'll see American soccer players standing for the anthem in the United States, Canadians will kneel together.Ah, yes, Canadas roster also includes Quinn. The only question for Quinn is whether the first Olympic gold medal won by an openly transgender, non-binary, female athlete will be silver or gold. Canada will face Sweden in Friday's gold medal match.Important to remember is that the Olympic Games do not feature national anthems. They only play them during the medal ceremony. It would be interesting to note that Trump doesn't care about facts.AdvertisementRapinoe scored two goals for the Americans in their 4-3 win over Australia. Although she didn't have a great tournament in Tokyo by her standards, she has an Olympic gold from 2012 and two World Cup titles (in the 2019 final, she was Player of The Match) as well as a Ballon DOr award for the best player in the world. Trump lost two elections, losing them by a total of 10 million votes. This despite the fact that he was elected president due to the Electoral College's vagaries. Once he was appointed to that position, it is clear that Rapinoe spent far more time doing his than Rapinoe did his.AdvertisementNo World Cup champions have ever reached the Olympics and won the gold. The bronze medal was won by Norway in Atlanta in 1996 by the world champion. The United States followed up their first World Cup victory with an Olympic silver four years later. Germany won the next two World Cups as well as the Olympic bronze medals. Japan, who was then World Cup champion in 2011, took home a silver medal in London in 2012. Five years ago, U.S. world champion team was thrown out of the Olympic quarterfinals. They didn't win a medal. It is amazing that a medal in Tokyo was achieved at all, considering the level of competition in both the Olympics and the World Cup has steadily increased.It's much more than what a beaten-up loser can do on Twitter.