Mattel's Barbie Turns Women Of Science Including A COVID Vaccine Developer Into DollsMattel Inc.Sarah Gilbert, a British vaccinologist, now has a new title: A Barbie doll created in her own image.This Oxford University professor was responsible for the creation of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Coronavirus vaccine. She was made a dame last month and shares her professional hairstyle and dark-rimmed glasses, as well as her professional wardrobe, with Mattel Inc's latest doll.Gilbert said that she was initially surprised by Mattel's recognition, but that it has inspired other young women to pursue STEM careers.She said, "I am passionate about inspiring young girls to STEM careers. I hope that children who see my Barbie realize how important science careers are to help the planet around us." My dream is for my doll to show children jobs they might not know about, such as a vaccinologist.Six women will be honored with BarbiesMattel Inc recognized Gilbert as one of six role models for the fight against COVID-19. According to the toymaker the five other honorees are: Dr. Audrey Sue Cruz, a U.S. doctor, and Amy O'Sullivan, a Canadian doctor who advocates against systemic racism in healthcare Chicka Stacy Oriuwa; Dr. Jaqueline Goes De Jesus, whose Brazilian biomedical research is being studied by the Brazilian government; and Kirby White, an Australian doctor and designer of protective gowns."Barbie recognizes the sacrifices made by frontline workers in coping with the pandemic and all the difficulties it created," stated Lisa McKnight (senior vice president and global head Barbie and Dolls at Mattel). "To highlight their efforts, we are sharing ..." their stories," McKnight said. She also added that the new launch will "inspire the next generation to follow in the footsteps of these heroes."Click to enlarge the image toggle caption Steve Parsons/PA Images via Getty Images Steve Parsons/PA Images Via Getty ImagesAccording to her Oxford University profile, the Oxford/AstraZeneca co-developer of vaccines has been creating and testing vaccines for more than a decade. The vaccine, which is now widely available, reached a milestone of 1,000,000 doses just last month.According to STEM Women (a United Kingdom organization that aims to increase the participation of women in STEM fields), only 35% are STEM students as of 2015.Xcaret nuez interns at NPR's News Desk.