Star Wars is not just about the laser sword fights or last-name-based drama. It's in the dreams it inspired. These dreams are similar to those of Disney hoteliers, who asked if they could charge $5,000 for two nights in a hotel on a cruise ship-like boat. What about r eaders? Those dreams came true.This is THR's report on Galactic Starcruiser. It is Walt Disney World Resorts latest effort to use the Star Wars brand for greater galactic good. You will notice the Oh, fuck it! moment when you look at the prices for 2-night vacation packages. These start at $4,809 per person and go up if you bring your child along. Although parts of Galactic Starcruiserabout what, more in a moment, don't sound cool, they sure aren't cooler than buying a used Honda or paying decent tuition. Who embodies the spirit and determination of the Rebellion more than those who can spend five grand on three days of vacation? (Sorry, but we started thinking back to all those people who were on the cool casino planet in The Last Jedi.AdvertisementWhat are you getting in return for your large downpayment? It's a lot like Sleep No More, a corporate-owned fake spaceship that sits on a vacant lot in Florida. The whole thing is apparently completely windowless. Instead of letting the scorching Southern sun in, all windows, including in the Starcruiser cabin, will open onto space. Each attendee will be equipped with a databand that can be worn around their wrist. This allows the resort to track their movements and may even help to create all those story moments. Maybe it's a Rebel mission, but we think Chewie could use some help. You guys are great for it.Your personal story will be told over the course of the two nights. This is at a rate of about 84 cents per hour of wonder. While you are busy learning lightsaber skills and playing sabacc, and taking shore leave at Disneys Galaxy Edge, youll also be able to go to lightsaber training, play sabacc, and even take shore leave at Disneys Galaxy Edge. The blue shrimp look cool, though there are photos.This is all still very hypothetical. The resorts website only has drawings. However, the numbers seem pretty real. The launch of Galactic Starcruiser is anticipated to occur sometime in 2022.