Elon Musk, like most super-rich people, is focused on his legacy. He wants to influence how his enormous fortune will be perceived in the future and now. Perhaps this is why Elon Musk recently revealed that Walter Isaacson (the biography of Steve Jobs) is writing a book.Twitter Musk: If you're curious about Tesla, SpaceX, and my general happenings, @WalterIsaacson has a biography.In subsequent tweets, he said that Isaacson had shadowed Musk over several days and that he liked Isaacsons biography about US founding father Benjamin Franklin. He said that he might one day write his autobiography.Musk says he particularly liked Isaacsons book about Benjamin FranklinA number of books have been written about Musk's life and career. Ashlee Vance wrote a 2015 biography entitled Elon Musk: Tesla and SpaceX and the Quest for a Fantastic Future. Reviewers were impressed with the book, to which Musk gave several interviews. The Financial Times described it as a compelling portrait of Silicon Valley's most driven entrepreneurs and their personal flaws. The New York Times praised the book, but noted that it occasionally drifted toward hagiography or the dictionary of news releases.Musk was less pleased with the other books about him, however, such as Tim Higgins' recent Power Play: Tesla and Elon Musk and the Bet of the Century published earlier in the month.The LA Times reviews Higgins' book and says that it shines on Musk. It shows him as a hair trigger executive who is quick to fire people regardless of their merits. Both Musk and Apple CEO Tim Cook deny that this has ever occurred.Musk will know what to expect from Isaacson. Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs was written using unprecedented access to Apple founder Steve Jobs and has been praised for its clarity, readability and emotional insight. However, the biography is [...] in certain respects. It's a story told through the reality distortion field of Steve Jobs.Although there are many sides and opinions to a story, Steve always has the final word. June of Isaacsons biography. This sounds like Musk would enjoy it.