Donald Trump wishes his supporters to have "Trump Cards."On August 4, the Trump camp sent out an email asking supporters to vote for their favorite design.These cards are engraved with gold lettering and include the signature of the former president.Loading something is loading. Click Sign up to receive marketing emails and other offers from Insider.Donald Trump wishes his supporters to have "Trump Cards."On August 4, Trump's camp sent two emails to supporters asking them to sign on for the red and golden cards. These cards look similar credit cards and bear the signature of the former president.Patriots will carry the card you choose all across the country. "They will be a sign that you are dedicated to our movement for SAVE AMERICA and I'm putting all my trust in them," Trump wrote in his first email.Later that night, the Trump team sent a second email, with the following message: "We're about launch our Official Trump Card, which will be reserved to President Trump's STRONGEST Supporters."The email stated that the President had recently visited his Florida office to show four designs. "Originally, we had planned to release one design. But when President Trump saw them, he declared, "These cards are beautiful." "We should let the American People decide. They ALWAYS know better!Trump's camp didn't specify what one was entitled to in order to have a "Trump Card". The link to vote for the favorite design led the user to a fundraising page. Insider reached out to Trump's team but they did not immediately reply.Clicking on any of the "Trump Card” designs will take you to this page. Screengrab/ Donald Trump CampaignTrump's latest fundraising item is his "Trump Card" pitch to voters. Trump's campaign sent an email on July 26 stating that they would be selling signed photos of Trump at $45.Trump suggested that he may run for president in 2024.Insider was told by Michael Wolff, a journalist and author of three books about Trump. He believes the former president "doesn't know" that he lost last year's election.He is certain that he will succeed in convincing himself, or if he was just so focused on what he wanted, but he is 100% certain. Wolff stated to Insider that he was absolutely certain that he won and that if it wasn't, it could be that he lost it."