JACKSONVILLE (Fla.) -- Tim Tebow and Chris Manhertz faced off in a special team blocking drill during Wednesday's practice at the Jacksonville Jaguars.Manhertz won the matchup and "Winner, Manhertz", was immediately broadcast over the loudspeaker. They went at it again three times more, with a final score of 2-2. Each time, the winner was announced.This was evident throughout practice, which included various one-on-1 drills. While it is part of Urban Meyer's plan for creating a competitive environment, keeping track will also be an important part of how he, his staff, make roster decisions.You'll be more likely to make the team if you win more matchups than lose.Tim Tebow and Chris Manhertz, Jaguars tight ends, faced off in a blocking drill for special teams Wednesday in Urban Meyer's Winners & Losers drills. Photo by David Rosenblum/Icon SportswireMeyer stated that a large roster is going to be given to a smaller one. Meyer added that this was fair for players because they all have so much respect and it's a way for guys to make a living. Meyer did not believe in subjectivity. Meyer said, "I believe in, What's your record?" Every man has a record. What is your record? Your record is what you are. It's not good to lose a lot, but have lots of potential."Just in the course of my career, you can find example after example of players who, while they might be slow, they never lose."Meyer's second season in Florida, 2006, was the first to start what he called Winners and Losers. It ended with Ohio State winning the BCS national championship. Meyer carried the same approach to Ohio State 2012 when the Gators won the title again two years later. The national title was won by the Buckeyes two years later. He made the decision to move to the NFL in January. However, the stakes with the Jaguars are higher than with the Gators or Buckeyes. Meyer didn't have the burden of cutting his college roster in half.The results were used to determine starting times and playing time at college. Now, when he and his staff pull out the results sheets, he will be using them for the final decision on who gets to stay. The player with the most points is the one who has won the most."Well, that's something I haven’t done before [used it for cutting]. Meyer stated that this is the first time Meyer has done it. But I have to make decisions about who starts and it's unfair to players to say, "Well, I'm starting you because I like your style or because you're from Ohio. It's as simple as this: Here are the stats. Statisticians are often for losers. My observation is that statistics are usually for losers."So you've got a record. Which record do you have? How is it going? That's just a complete mentality. His record is really impressive, Tom Brady. It's great to move him to the Buccaneers. New England Patriots, really great."Wednesday was the Jaguars' first Winners and Losers Day. The two players who spoke after practice -- defensive lineman Dawuane Smoot, and receiver Laviska Shanault -- said that they were happy to hear Meyer's chief staff member, Fernando Lovo, announce the winners after each rep.Smoot stated that he feels it keeps the competitive spirit going. "We all want to hear our names on the [public address system] anyways on the big field. So just hearing it on the practice field is great.Although it isn't common at the NFL level, it's an excellent way to evaluate the players' abilities and determine how they react in competitive situations.Meyer stated that there is only one way to do it, and that's to scrimmage forever. Meyer disagreed. But you can make it one-on-one so that everyone has a score. "What's your record?"