This comes six months into Biden's term. His administration is facing political discord over different mask mandates and the spread of coronavirus Delta variant. He has also promoted his ability to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill in Congress, something his predecessor failed to do. This could support the White Houses message that Biden can accomplish things.Quinnipiac poll results showed that Americans are less likely to approve of President Obama's handling of Covid-19. This is 12 points lower than May. His approval rating for his job fell from 49 percent to 46 percent in May. The approval of Biden's economy handling also dropped, with 43% approving and 48% disapproving.The poll showed that 66% of Americans support the bipartisan infrastructure bill. According to the poll, 62 percent of Americans support the reconciliation bill. It is a $3.5 trillion spending measure.A majority of Americans support a congressional investigation into Jan. 6. This is a key area of Democratic support. However, more than half said that they don't believe the investigation will lead to important policy changes.The poll showed that nearly half of Americans believe former President Donald Trump will run for the presidency in 2024, and more than half believe Biden won't. Biden stated in March that he expects to run for reelection 2024. Trump's close friends have indicated that they may also be considering a plan to run again for the presidency.Sixty percent of the respondents to the poll believed that Trump's candidacy would be detrimental for the country in 2024. Only 48 percent thought it would be worse for the country in 2024 if Biden ran.Recent polls show that the president's approval rating has dropped in other polls. This is due to the increase in Covid-19 cases in the U.S., and the alarming Delta variant. CAPS-Harris Poll results released Monday showed that his approval rating dropped 10 percent from June when the number of cases was down. The White House also predicted a summer of independency from the virus.