Play video content @tharealjadawada/InstagramThe Texas cop who mounted a Black teen wasn't just too close to his family but also too close to the CDC, because the man allegedly had COVID that same day.Kim T. Cole, Nekia's family lawyer, told TMZ that the Kaufman County Sheriff's Office got in touch with them to inform Nekia Ray and Antanique Ray that Deputy Conner Martin was positive for the virus during the altercation.Cole said Antanique tested negative on Monday. However, they are still waiting for results for Nekia who went in on Tuesday for a test.Play video content @tharealjadawada/InstagramWe were told that Antanique was negative for the test and she lost five days of work as she quarantined to get her results back. She's now out of a week of income.Martin's condition was not discussed by the KCSO.This is just the latest setback suffered by Nekia and her friends -- they had to flee their home due to the death threats they received in the aftermath of the incident. Antanique is still facing criminal charges for the incident.