It appears that the novel coronavirus has somehow leapt from humans to wild deer in certain parts of the United States.A federal survey in the northeast found that 40 percent of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus Virginianus) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.Michigan was the only state where 67 percent of deer free to roam showed immune markers for coronavirus in bloodwork.This is the first evidence of widespread exposure by SARS-CoV-2 to wild animals. While the preprint study needs to be peer-reviewed and verified, the findings are alarming.Although none of the deer suffered adverse effects on their health, the presence antibodies in their blood indicates that they have recently been cured of the virus.Scientists worry that deer populations may be silently harbouring and spreading the pathogen. This could allow SARS-CoV-2, which is a deadly disease of humans, to evolve and adapt into new strains.White-tailed deer in the US often cross paths with other species, whether they are from conservation work, hunting or feeding. This makes it easy for viruses to spread between them.The authors wrote in their paper that "The geographical distribution of this species covers most of North America" and that these animals are especially abundant near urban centers in the eastern US."White-tailed deer also have the ability to form social groups that can support intraspecies transmissions of multiple pathogens."Since the outbreak of the pandemic, scientists have been concerned about the possibility that the coronavirus could spread from humans to other species, a phenomenon known as zoonotic splashback.For example, last year's outbreak in farmed minks prompted a huge cull of American and European livestock. Wild animals can be infected, but not as easily as captive animals.Scientists are concerned about the new findings. SARS-CoV-2 could indeed be able to find sanctuary in the wild, making it extremely difficult to eradicate. Our vaccines may be less effective if the virus spreads to other species and infects people again.A seemingly healthy wild mink in Utah tested positive for SARS CoV-2 recently. This animal was the first to be free from the virus. However, scientists believe that this was only the tip of an iceberg. It seems that the virus is also spreading to wild deer.If we want to make sure they are not a reservoir for the new coronavirus, then these animals must be tested for virus RNA. However, the presence antibodies in their blood indicates that they have been exposed.Studies in the laboratory have previously shown that white-tailed deer can be infected by SARS-CoV-2.The new survey suggests that a similar spread may be occurring in the wild. However, more research is required to determine how.The team had access 385 serum samples of wild white-tailed deer from January to March 2021 as well as 239 archives samples from 2011 to 2020 which were used to test for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.Researchers found no immune markers for SARS-CoV-2 in wild deer blood before the outbreak of the pandemic. These antibodies started to appear more frequently after the pandemic.Three deer were identified with specific blood proteins for SARS/CoV-2 in 2020. Nearly half of the 385 samples of blood from deer in Michigan and Illinois showed the same neutralizing antibodies within the first three months.It is not clear how these deer became infected. It could have spread directly to humans or from wild animals or livestock that came in contact with us. The virus could then have passed onto white-tailed deer.Officials in the US call for increased wildlife surveillance, particularly among predators and scavengers who regularly interact with deer.Nature reported that Arinjay Banerjee, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan, said, "If there's a common source of exposure for deer, then it's likely the same source can expose others," Nature was not involved in the study.SARS-CoV-2 could be spreading faster than we can clean it up.The study was published by bioRxiv.