Bipartisan consensus is possible when it comes to the effects of a warming planet. It is difficult to find agreement between Republicans and Democrats on reducing the greenhouse gasses that are causing the planet's warming. This is because Republicans are resistant to limiting fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal.Democrats in Congress and Biden's administration have aimed to incorporate more aggressive climate action into their separate budget bills, which Democrats hope will pass without Republican votes.Although the infrastructure bill could be passed in the Senate this week it is still uncertain in the House. Progressives are opposed to funding natural gas and nuclear power plants among other things. There are few people who oppose money for communities to protect them from extreme weather and sea level rise.Senator Tom Carper (Democrat from Delaware, chairman of the environment & public works committee) stated that the climate crisis affects both blue and red states. He said that many of his Republican colleagues have experienced firsthand the dire consequences of failing to invest in resilience.This bill would also transform the country's approach to climate change preparation.Until recently federal disaster policy was focused on the spending of money after a hurricane, wildfire, or other calamity to rebuild what was destroyed.