Watch video content WPLG10A few Frontier Airlines flight attendants were temporarily removed from duty after Frontier Airlines bosses deemed that duct tapeing an unruly passenger's seat to his seat was a violation of the law.This insane video was taken Saturday on Frontier's flight from Philly, Miami. It shows a young man yelling at passengers that his parents are worth $2 million and other ridiculous ramblings. The flight attendants were also trying to calm him down, but he was cussing them out.Watch video content WPLG10He eventually gets into a fight with a male flight attendant... and is finally restrained to a seat using a lot of duct tape. His detention was cheered by the rest of his passengers.The guy is Max Berry. He reportedly walked out of the lavatory without a shirt after he had drank a glass of water. He allegedly began to grope female attendants as he was being helped by attendants to get a new shirt.Frontier claims that he was booked and arrested on multiple charges after landing. However, Frontier also said it suspended certain members of the flight crew involved as part of an ongoing investigation.