Problem with the map is the fact that case counts can change rapidly, and could surge in your community before it changes colors. It is important to look at the vaccination rates and case counts in neighboring communities, even if you are certain that your community has low case count. People and viruses often cross county and state boundaries.Experts agree that you don't need to wear a mask outside if you aren't in a crowd or have at least six feet of separation from those whose vaccination status isn't known. Although it is still dangerous to go to a packed outdoor concert with others, wearing a mask is advisable.J. Alex Huffman is an associate professor of chemistry, biochemistry, and aerosol scientist at the University of Denver. He said that masks are still recommended for indoor use with people who don't know their vaccination status. Although I am fully vaccinated now, I do not wear a mask indoors. However, I always use my N95 mask when I enter indoor public spaces.Do I need to upgrade my mask?A high-quality medical mask such as an N95 or KN95 will provide the best protection, but you still want to make sure that you are using the genuine thing. KF94, a Korean-made high-quality medical mask, is less susceptible to counterfeiting. Even if you don't have a medical mask you can still benefit from double protection by wearing a simple surgical mask underneath a cloth mask. An exhale valve mask should not be worn. It allows for plumes of virus particles to escape and fake masks could have faulty valves that allow germs in.It is possible to choose your mask according to the environment. For a quick trip to a convenience store that is empty and has high vaccination rates, a cloth mask might be sufficient. A higher-quality mask is better for air travel and in crowded grocery stores, especially in areas with low vaccination rates and high case counts. Masks with straps around the head or ties at the ear seal better than masks without ear loops.All mitigation measures we have used previously must be more effective to stop the Delta variant. Dr. Huffman stated that masks are one of the best. I encourage everyone to get a mask with a high quality filter and that fits tight to their faces. The number one factor is to make sure the mask fits tightly around your face. The No. 1 rule is to seal the mask well around the edges, over the nose bridge, between the cheeks, and under the chin. A tight fitting mask is more comfortable than a loose-fitting one.Is it worth the risk to hang out with my vaccinated family members and friends?People who have been vaccinated are very at risk when they spend unmasked time with their vaccinated family members and friends. Dr. Huffman stated that mask-wearing was not necessary. Wearing a mask indoors is not a problem if you live with a few people who have been vaccinated.