Shakespeare wrote that sleep was the main nourisher of life's feast in Macbeth. However, many adults don't get enough sleep. Revery hopes to help by creating an app that combines cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), for insomnia, with mobile gaming concepts.Revery was founded in March 2021. It is currently in beta stealth mode. The company plans to launch their app in the United States in the latter part of this year. Today, Sequoia Capital India's Surge program led the company to raise $2 million. Participants were GGV Capital and Pascal Capital, zVentures, zVentures, zVentures, zVentures, zVentures, zVentures, zVentures, zVentures, Razors corporate venture arm, and angel investors such as Juha Paananen, gaming entrepreneur; Kunal Shah, CRED founder; Mobile Premier League founder Sai Srinivas, Carolin Krenzer, and Josh Lee.Lee, a mutual friend introduced Tammie Siew (researcher) and Khoa Tran (founder of Reverys). Siew was previously a product manager at Google, Boston Consulting Group, and Sequoia Capital India before launching the startup.Revery intends to work on other mental health issues, but it is starting with sleep, because it has such an important correlation with mental well-being. Siew explained that cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, which has been tested and proven effective for over 30 years, is what Siew said to TechCrunch. This is just one indication. The goal is to create multiple games for other wellness indications.Infinium, a research company, found that between 30% and 45% of adults worldwide experience insomnia. This problem is being exacerbated by the COVID-19 epidemic. A host of health problems are linked to chronic lack of sleep, such as high blood pressure, depression, and lower immunity.Reverys' team also includes Kriti Sawa, a former Zynga and King lead designer, and Stephanie Wong, a software engineer. Their focus is on sleep.Because everyone on the team has had to deal with mental health challenges themselves, they have a deep personal connection to this mission. They've seen the consequences of late intervention that can lead to disastrous outcomes that could have been prevented if they sought help sooner.Tran was 15 years old when he was diagnosed as having hypertension. He also had several other medical conditions that required medication. Tran discovered that sleep apnea was the cause of his health problems at 26. Trans blood pressure was normalized and many other conditions were also treated.Tran stated that only after I received treatment for my sleep disorder, did I understand the importance of sleep on my mental health. My sleep disorder was caught by a doctor and I was extremely fortunate to have the resources and time to receive treatment. It is extremely difficult for many people.Revery's medical advisory team also includes Dr. Stanley Liu, Stanford Sleep Surgery Fellowship director; Dr. Fiona Barwick, Stanford professor and expert in behavioral sleep medicine; and Ryan Kelly, a psychologist who studies how video games can be used as therapy.People often think of sleep apps that are focused on meditation (Calm or Headspace, for instance) or soothing sounds. Although the Revery team won't reveal too much about their app, they say it draws inspiration from casual mobile games that are meant to encourage people to play for shorter periods of time over a longer period. Gamification is being used to make CBT more interactive and enjoyable, so that it becomes part of the daily routine.This is the same type of gameplay as Zynga or King used. Kritis' experience is therefore super helpful, stated Siew. Casual games reward people for small actions. For Revery, this means positive reinforcement for sleep habits that improve. It will reward people who put down their phones.Many people believe that sleeping is solved when you go to bed. Siew stated that sleep is affected by the activities you make throughout the day. It is important to consider your thoughts, behaviors, and other activities that influence your sleep. In order to improve your sleep quality, you need to make changes outside of your time trying to fall asleep.GGV Capital managing Director Jenny Lee stated that they are excited about the expanding mental wellness market and believe Revery's unique mobile game-based approach can make a huge impact. We are pleased to support such a mission-driven group in this space.