Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are not required for all items. Case in point is Amazons new Smart Soap Dispenser, the latest lets-stick-a-chip-in-it replacement for ordinary objects. Its design is made by Amazon and can be paired to an Echo speaker to run Alexa functions.Why? Amazon claims that it will automatically play songs and jokes when you wash.The 12 oz liquid soap dispenser has 2.4GHz (802.11 b/g/n) Wi-Fi. It also features an LED timer that reminds you not to scrub until the recommended minimum wash time of 20 seconds is up. The battery can last for three months on one charge.Touchless soap dispensers costing a lot less have this featureVariable rate dispensers are useful features that pump out more soap for the distance you hold your hands from the nozzle. There are many touchless soap dispensers with similar features that can be found for much less.This device can be installed in a bathroom with an occupancy sensor if you decide to buy it. You can alert your household to any time someone uses the bathroom and fails to wash their hands.