Twitter has partnered with Reuters (AP) and The Associated Press to provide context for tweets. This partnership will help make Twitter less of a misinformation swarm. Although it is unlikely, every bit helps.Twitter's Curation team announced Monday that it will work with both news organizations (separately) in order to quickly provide context for tweets. This is to try to quell misinformation before it spirals into chaos. This is the first time Twitter has collaborated with news outlets in this capacity.Twitter wrote that "We are committed in making sure that people who visit Twitter to see what's happening are able to find reliable information." This is a sad statement considering the reputation of Twitter for spreading misinformation. Twitter will be able expand the scope and speed of its efforts to provide authoritative context across the vast array of global topics that Twitter hosts every day.Twitter's Curation team already has the responsibility of contextualising tweets. This includes attaching descriptions to Trends and surfacing credible information at search results. They also add warning labels to misleading posts. It also shows prompts linking to reliable information during high-profile events like a presidential election, deadly pandemic or other significant events.Twitter claims that its partnership with Reuters/AP will increase efficiency and allow it to quickly provide reliable resources, as Trends are just beginning to emerge. Twitter will provide context to popular topics before they become viral and use Reuters' and AP’s support for features like Birdwatch, its crowdsourced fact checking portal.Hazel Baker, Reuters' spokesperson, stated that "We are excited to partner with Twitter in order to leverage our deep global expertise to serve the public discussion with reliable information."Tom Januszewski, AP, stated that "AP has a long tradition of working closely alongside Twitter, as well as other platforms, in order to expand the reach factual journalism." This work is fundamental to our mission."While the collaborations will initially be focused on English tweets, Twitter expressed its intention to expand internationally.