Amazon was accused of using unfair labor practices to prevent workers from joining the union, as challenged by the union, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union.The N.L.R.B. hearing was filled with compelling evidence. We heard compelling evidence that Amazon attempted to illegally interfere and intimidate workers who were trying to exercise their right of union formation, stated Stuart Appelbaum (union president). We agree with the recommendation of the hearing officers that the N.L.R.B. We support the recommendation of the hearing officers that the N.L.R.B. should be allowed to disregard the election results and hold a new election.The union filed the initial paperwork in November for the election. Voting took place via mail between February and March.During the campaign, the union repeatedly complained that the company intimidated and threatened workers.Amazon has disputed the allegations and continues to do so.Our employees had the opportunity to speak out during a time of noise and many voices being heard in the national debate. At the end of it all, they voted in favor of direct contact with their managers. An Amazon spokeswoman stated in a Monday statement that the vote was unanimous. We will appeal for their voice to be heard above all others.