The story of Sophie Hatter is told in both Howls Moving CastleDiana Wynne's novel and Hayao Miyazakis animated feature movie of the same title. Sophie Hatter is a young woman whose destiny as a hatmaker is decided by her status as the oldest sister. Sophie's work in the family millinery until her death is an obvious conclusion to everyone who knows her. Its tradition and her exceptional skill at hatmaking make it a foregone conclusion.AdvertisementSophie is initially content to follow her stepmother Fanny's plan for her to work at the shop, while her younger sisters Lettie, Martha, and Martha go off to apprentice in a bakery, and under a witch respectively. Wynne Jones' novel and the adaptation in a lesser degree, shows that Sophies view of life doesn't take her dreams, desires, or talents into consideration. Before Sophie meets Calcipher the fire demon Calcipher or the dread wizard Howl and his fire demon Calcipher, magic is an integral part of her life. Sophie is almost overwhelmed by their mysticisms at first, as she doesn't realize what she shares with them.Although Sophie may seem passive, her hard work and dedication at the millinery make her a sensation in Lower Chipping where Much of Howls Moving Castle is set. Sophie finds it difficult to talk to people because she is often bored with other people. Although she doesn't know how, she is able to charm the hats with the words she says. Sophie's descriptions of hats as cute and smart are transformed into something that isn't immediately obvious. People who buy and wear Sophie's clothing see the benefits of her talent. However, they are all thrilled to discover that the positive qualities and fates Sophie spoke into existence for her clothing are passed on to others.Fanny is convinced that Sophie's decisions have made each Hatter sister a different kind of successful. The book shows how Sophie's unwavering commitment to her job makes her a prisoner that no one can free her from, just as the Witch of the Waste walks into Howls Moving Castle to pose a threat and an antagonist. Fanny is free to find a husband after Mr. Hatters sudden passing. Sophie takes over production of many hat shops and Sophie realizes how unhappy she has become to a life that contrasts with the fun things everyone else does.As Sophie meets the jealous Witch of the Waste, she is suddenly made into an old woman by her contractual and emotional obligations. Sophie is suddenly faced with the terrifying prospect of working unpaid, thankless labor her whole life. This becomes a frightening reality as her body aches from the stress of the past. She is still sharp in her mind, but she has the ability to see things clearly and it makes it easy to pack her stuff and get on with her life.Howl, who lives in a monstrous and mechanical castle that crawls through the countryside, is a dangerous counterpart to the Witch of the Waste. Sophie is determined to become a cleaner for the wizard, but she soon realizes that it's not worth believing in the rumors of him eating young women's hearts. She feels that her elderly heart would be safe even if it were to. The story reveals more magic while also illustrating how witchcraft can be tied up in complex deals that bind people together, much like people are bound to their jobs. Calcipher, who uses the castles machinery to power its power, starts to speak to Sophie from a stove. Sophie is shocked (the people in Ingary are very British), to discover that the powerful contract effectively bound Calcipher to a life of servitude and bondage.AdvertisementCalcipher's and Sophies plans to free each other of their respective enchantments are what propels a lot Howls Moving Castles plots forward. However, throughout the book, there is a significant amount of discussion about the notion of people not being acknowledged for their talents and paid for their labor returns. Although Sophie may take a while to master her magical abilities, the book shows them early on. It also establishes that magic is strong in the Hatter family. A visit to the bakery reveals that Martha, Lettie and their secret plan to use magic to change jobs is what led to Sophie starting to work for Howl. These revelations were meant to shock Sophie, giving her another reason to leave to find her own destiny. However, it's also one of Howls Moving Castle's most direct ways to show how important it is to trust your instincts and determine if the situation you are in is healthy.AdvertisementHowls Moving Castles explores this instinct throughout the novel. It becomes even more complex when Howl is involved, who proves to be a more dynamic character than he initially thought. Although the characters don't always express this to each other directly, they all strive to live lives that are true to themselves and pursue fulfilling endeavors. This means for some that they have to let go of their work-oriented identities. It is a lesson that more fairytales could be used to teach us in today's hustle culture.The novel Howls Moving Castle is available at most libraries, as well as where books can be purchased. An animated version of the book is also available on HBO Max.AdvertisementAre you curious about where our RSS feed went. The new one can be found here.