"Cook and me have never spoken or written to one another."Likely StoryDo you remember last week's story in which a new book stated that Elon Musk demanded that Apple CEO Tim Cook quit his job to make way for Musk?Musk and Apple are essentially saying the same thing. They might be correct. It is possible that they are both downplaying this story, even though it may be true. This is because of the chaos and unprofessionalism it represents.Car WarsWall Street Journal reporter Tim Higgins' new book Power Play: Tesla and Elon Musk and the Bet of the Century claims that sources at Tesla shared with him details of a 2016 call in which Musk discussed the possibility of Apple buying Tesla.According to Higgins sources the call went sour when Musk informed Cook that the deal could only be made if Musk was willing to take Cook's place as CEO of Apple. Higgins told Cook that Cook replied with the words "f*ck you" and ended the call.AdvertisementAdvertisementMusk claims that none of this happened.Cook tweeted that Cook and I had never spoken or written to one another. Cook asked me to meet him to discuss Apple buying Tesla. No conditions were set for acquisition.Apple also spoke to The Verge to point out that Cook had previously stated that he'd never spoken with Musk.Do we believe these billionaires? You decide.AdvertisementAdvertisementREAD MORE: Review: Elon Musk shines in a deep new history of Tesla [Los Angeles Times]Elon Musk is reported to have demanded to be made CEO of Apple.