This image shows a cotton plant growing in a tank on the moon's far side, as seen by Chinese scientists aboard Chang'e 4's Chang'e 4 Lander. This photograph was taken January 7, 2019.China's next exploration mission to the lunar South Pole will include one of the more than 500 experiments that were submitted and designed by students from across the country.China plans to launch the Chang'e 7 spacecraft in 2024. It will be equipped with a lander and a rover as well as an orbiter, relay satellite, a small hopping spacecraft, and a rover to explore the lunar craters' rough terrain. This mission is part of a larger plan to build a lunar base with Russia.The mission is important, but it will also include a small experiment that was created by young space enthusiasts from all levels of education, from primary schools to universities.In June 2020, the China National Space Administration launched a call for Chang'e 7 science experiments. 578 designs were received, including 143 from elementary school, 206 from middle school, 217 from universities and 12 from other sources.Related: China's latest space newsCNSA announced that 20 projects had been selected earlier in the month. These projects include experiments in silkworm cocoon hatching and moss regeneration. Also, oxygen generation with plants under low lunar gravity is possible. Another hopping spacecraft and a quantum communication payload are being considered. This is an experiment that makes China's national flag "flutter", despite low gravity and vacuum. Other projects include shielding against cosmic rays and research on the effect of lunar gravity on embryonic stem cell division, as well as other biology experiments that involve plants, insects, and fungi.Voting is now available to help choose the science payloads for each mission. The dedicated webpage provides further information as well as images of the potential experiments. However, the webpages are in Chinese. To vote for an experiment, you will need a WeChat account.Similar contests have been launched to send a popular science experiment to China's near Earth asteroid sample returning mission. It plans to launch to the small asteroid Kamo'oalewa by 2024, and then visit a main belt camet after delivering samples back to Earth.This mission will use seismic waves to study the interior of the target asteroids and other impact, landing, and sampling experiments. To assess the possibility of asteroids hitting Earth, the spacecraft will measure the orbital change of the asteroid. The spacecraft may also carry a deep-space "message from the stars" and a painting experiment. Solar wind detection and other physics tests are also on the shortlist.Voting is open for both missions until August 7, Beijing time. The final selection of experiments will depend on the combination of votes and views from an expert panel.An experiment from a university was also used in China's Chang'e 4 mission to the far side. The experiment was stopped by a small container containing seeds, which was used to monitor the first lunar day of the mission.Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @Spacedotcom