Wall Street is a popular target for US politicians. Angela Weiss/Getty ImagesAn online service now allows you to track which stocks and securities are being bought and sold by politicians.2iQ, a data company, stated that it wants investors to be able clearly see the market's role of legislators.Nancy Pelosi and her husband are both active market participants who make huge gains.Subscribe to our daily newsletter 10 Things Before The Opening Bell.After a multi-million dollar win trading Alphabet stock options, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saw Paul Pelosi make it to the financial press.2iQ, a financial data company, has now launched Capitol Trades, an in-depth service that allows users to track senators, representatives, and their families' market participation.The 2012 Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act - also known as the STOCK Act - requires legislators to report which securities they have bought and sold.2iQ, a German company, launched Monday's Capitol Trades service. It combines all those filings into an enormous database. Users can filter by asset type and see which politicians are trading.Search "crypto" to find out that Barry Moore, an Alabama congressman, made a risky investment in dogecoin buying in June. Since then the price has fallen.Continue reading: Brian Barish's fund, which combines the best of growth stock-picking with value stock-picking, has returned 720% over two decades. He shared with us four of his most conviction bets for the future.2iQ stated that it created the tool because it believes investors should have access to information about what US politicians buy and sell - from small players such as Moore, to Congressional whales such as Nancy and Paul Pelosi. It stated that it wanted to improve transparency regarding politicians' trading which is controversial and should be controlled more."While I was working on the data, many trades were discovered where politicians bought dips, buying right at the right time, just before the price started rising. Or sold right before a stock began to fall. Muhammad Huzaifa Waseem (team leader at 2iQ Research) stated that the data set has valuable insights to assist you in making smart investment decisions.2iQ isn’t the only company that has thought of this. Other services, such as Smart Insider or Senate Stock Watcher, do similar things. 2iQ claims that it has developed a searchable, detailed service with additional analytics.Capitol Trades provides a glimpse into the ways that the US's top leaders play the market. It is a lot like retail investors. Information technology was the most purchased sector in the past year, with Microsoft, Apple and Facebook being the most popular names.